BWR – Nandor Fa and Conrad Colman best quotes
Thanks to BWR for the collection!
- BWR official SOH onboard image
- Barcelona World Race 2014-15 Spirit of Hungary – skipper Nandor Fa, co-skipper Conrad Colman
- Nandor Fa skipper and Conrad Colman co-skipper 100 days of SOH BWR around_world©SpiritHu_onboard_photo DSC_1161-1
Nandor Fa – 06/01/2015 Into the Atlantic
“It is a nice morning, a new day, with new hopes. If the forecast comes in it will be nice. It has not been easy psychologically, but, hey we do what we can, we do our best and we just can’t do more than that. We are quite optimistic for our future, the next days we will have some wind, but at the moment we escaped from one trap to another, but in the afternoon we should escape. At the moment it is not a race, just trying to escape from these traps”.
Conrad Colman – 02/01/2015 Mediterranean house of horrors
“We are now in the axis of the ridge and it’s a house of horrors with the wind turning from North to East to South and back again. Every sail change or tack gives renewed hope that a change will stick but it’s not long before the inevitable shift comes again and we need to start all over again”.
Nandor Fa – 27/01/2015 Mainsail problems
“Today unfortunately we had a problem at the top of the mast. We took off the mainsail to make some repairs, and then when we hoisted again we couldn’t pull it up all the way to the top”.
Conrad Colman – 29/01/2015 Feeling home
“So now four weeks into this race we have the confidence, experience and the conditions to let Spirit of Hungary off her chain and let her run a bit. The result is impressive, with deep layers of foam and spray sweeping the decks and sending curtains of water cascading over the cockpit”.
Nandor Fa – 08/02/2015 What doesn’t kill you…
“Everything is all right, we are progressing, and we are feeling good! As they say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. We get stronger by every tough situation. In the following 5 days we are going to have useful winds, we will progress well”.
Conrad Colman – 21/02/2015 Sailing faster and faster
“400 nautical miles in 24 hours and no energy to lift the arms to celebrate! We have had ideal conditions these past days to make great miles and we have set another speed record for the boat”.
Conrad Colman – 23/02/2015 Nandor’s injury
“When he was down I was shocked by what I saw. He blue eyes, pinched with pain, stared out at me from a face that was completely red with blood!! He lifted up his hat to reveal a deep impact wound on the upper forehead that was steadily dribbling blood”.
Conrad Colman – 24/02/2015 Bluff pit-stop
“We don’t see this stop as failure, as this opportunity to learn from the thousands of miles we have already covered, try out new solutions for the miles that remain and increase our chances of finishing safely in Barcelona”.
Conrad Colman – 07/03/2015 Every Single High Pressure
“There is a race at the front of the fleet “meanwhile” Spirit of Hungary is parked up in a monster high pressure zone that formed after everyone else made it through”.
Conrad Colman – 15/03/2015 400 miles to Cape Horn
“Well, today is certainly impressive… Raw… Beautiful… Furious. It is hard to find a word to sum up our circumstances at the moment. We are brushing the top of probably our last real Southern Ocean depression and for the past 18 hours have had wind of 40 knots, gusting 45 to 50”.
Nandor Fa – 20/03/2015 UFO’s
“We were very lucky just one hour ago. Of course, hitting something in a way that doesn’t cause major damage in the boat is also considered luck for us. If it had not hit the keel, one of the rudders would have been the victim, and could have taken the hydro too. Something, maybe not now, but hit the daggerboard too, because its back edge is a little bit damaged”.
Nandor Fa – 22/03/2015 Conrad Colman’ injury
“Little by little I realize the boat had stuck into a wave, his fleet slipped, and he came into the cabin with the head first, instead of the feet. We just suspect that his forelock must have touched ground first then his shoulders and arms. We needed half an hour to check every part of him, and identify that nothing’s been broken or twisted, just hurts”.
Conrad Colman – 24/03/2015 The writer is back
“Sorry for taking so long to write, turns out plunging head first into the bilge, dislocating one’s shoulder and knocking yourself out makes for great writer’s block. More likely my black thoughts were far from appropriate for public consumption, my grandmother reads these reports after all!”
Nandor Fa – 07/04/2015 The trade wind illness
“We’ve got the trade wind illness. We are impatient. We want to do something big to progress better! We have to pay attention because this state can be dangerous. Until we are docked, this race is not over yet!”
Nandor Fa – 17/04/2015 Back in the Med
“It was a huge feeling to see the land again. We congratulated each other. We had a celebration breakfast and the rest of the nice food. We enjoyed it very much”.
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